Pro Dance Class
Tuesday weekly class from 9am to 10:30am
- 7/10/24 led by Laura Kenyon (Monday)
- 15/10/24 led by Yilin Kong
- 22/10/24 led by Sara Maurizi
- 29/10/24 led by Hannah Thomas
- 5/11/24 led by Kayleigh Price
- 12/11/24 led by Vivian Triantafyllopoulou
- 19/11/24 led by Laura Kenyon
- 26/11/24 led by Horacio Macuacua (week intensive)
- 3/12/24 led by Laura Kenyon
- 10/12/24 led by Laura Kenyon
- 17/12/24 led by Laura Kenyon
Price: £5, to book please contact [email protected]
Laura Kenyon is curating a series of Pro dance classes for professional contemporary dancers at the Rose Lipman Building. From Oct – Dec 2024, this program is designed to provide weekly high quality training in a welcoming & friendly environment. The Rose Lipman Building itself is a busy hub for creative artists & designers and already offers a range of movement & cultural activities. We hope for this program to continue in the new year & for our space to be a meeting point of artists to connect, network, train & exchange.
Breath, release, floor work & boogie! This class is open to professional dancers & led through breath work, guided improvisation, crossings, floor work and acrobatics. Laura encourages participants to us their energy, connect & share with the other people in the space. Challenge your limits, refine your tools, try something new & discover different qualities and rhythms. This class aims to improve stamina & strength and open up your creativity, finishing on a dynamic phrase.
The focus of Yilin’s classes lies in contemporary technique and improvisation, with a large component of floor work. She is constantly seeking space in the body, efficiency of movement and understanding our basic mechanics. Yilin’s classes focus on efficient and freeing ways of engaging the body, allowing participants to expansively navigate diverse trajectories within their spatial environments, across dynamic and speed, and in and out of the floor. Ultimately Yilin creates a class which should leave the participant feeling free, sweaty and spacious. Her class will start slowly to encourage a whole body warm up, mobility and muscular engagement and will swiftly advance into moving across the floor and space with some simple exercises culminating in an expansive phrase.
Hannah’s movement language is rooted in ground-based explorations, combining fundamental floorwork practices with fast-paced challenge and a work-hard-play-hard group energy. The class is often driven by the playlist, where artists are invited to embody euphoric states of energy alongside honest and humble group connections. Hannah’s style of movement and teaching is derived from her other passions. In addition to being a passionate mover, she is an avid snowboarder, skateboarder and climber. She incorporates these influences into her practice to encourage full bodied movement and physical awareness.
Kayleigh’s class focuses on the dynamic movement whilst maintaining technique. Her classes are influenced from the foundations of Graham technique whilst experimenting with her own twist of movement she has developed professionally throughout the years as well as being physical. Expect to build up to a lot of movement in and out of the space and great music that you can sing along to.
In the ‘Energy and Flow’ class we will start by discovering and developing our personal way of moving through improvisation and guided tasks and will then move onto set choreographic material based on floor work technique. We will work towards awaking body connections in order to play with the quantity and quality of our energy to find the flow in our movement. We will practice body totality, presence as well as developing our strength. This class challenges the physicality of the body, as well as the exploration of rhythms and speed. We aim to find efficiency in movement, especially in moving in and out of the earth, clarity and details. Expression and creativity are key points in our work, as well as the connection with the group and the ideas of self and togetherness. And most of all, in this workshop we want to rediscover one of the most amazing things: the joy and passion of dance itself!
- Intensive Workshop – Sparkling Imagination
- 25-30 Nov 2024 10am – 2pm
- Price: £180, £150 early bird price (before the 7th Oct)
- https://www.laurakenyon.net/sparklingimagination
Horacio proposes a highly physical work that demands attention, interest and intensity rather than a certain technique level, challenging the potentiality of each dancer to push the limits of body imagination and expression further to discover new and surprising possibilities. The workshop evolves with what the group offers, as the ability to create and compose physically needs training and attention as well as technique or style. Through the group process the participants learn from each other through acceptance and transformation, collaboration and observation of their own dance and of the whole group.
Let’s dive into the work, get the engines started and let the imagination flow! Let’s dance!